Human rights of parliamentarians
Title: Human Rights of Parliamentarians
Description: Interactive data on the cases before the IPU Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians. Data is updated after each meeting of the Committee (in January, March, and October).
Type: Interactive data dashboard
Formats: Tableau Workbook
Years covered: 2021-2024 (last update: 17 October 2024)
Number of parliaments covered: 52
Languages: English & French
Publications related to the dataset: Violations of the human rights of MPs – 2023
Other information: Every year, many MPs around the world face abuse, mistreatment or even death. The IPU Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians seeks to protect and defend them. To track the cases currently monitored by the Committee and decisions taken, see the interactive data below.
Filter data by selecting a specific country, region, violation, political affiliation, or sex. And click on links next to a parliamentarian’s name to learn more about their individual cases.
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