Parliamentary Chamber: Consell general


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  Consell general

Dates of elections / renewal (from/to):

  12 December 1993

Purpose of elections:

  Elections were held for all the seats of the Parliament provided for in the new Constitution of May 1993. General elections had previously been held in April 1992.

Background and outcome of elections:

  Andorra is a co-principality, under the joint suzerainty of France and Spain. In June 1990, the General Council established a special commission to draft a Constitution, which was to promulgate popular sovereignty and constitutionals the country’s co-princes. Following the latter’s formal approval of the plan in April 1991, the draft Constitution was approved by popular referendum in March 1993 and was promulgated two months later; it set the elections for early December.

On polling day, none of the five contending parties secured an outright majority. The National Democratic Grouping (AND) of outgoing President of the Executive Council (head of government) Oscar Ribas Reig won the most seats.

On 19 January 1994, Mr. Reig was once again elected President by the General Council. He then declared that his Government would give priority to fiscal and tax reforms as well as to developments of tourism. This nine-member Executive Council (Cabinet), composed of AND members and independents, was sworn in on 3 February.

Round no 1 (12 December 1993): Elections results  
Number of registered electors 9,675
Voters 7,829 (80.9%)

Round no 1: Distribution of seats  
Political Group Total National List Constituencies
National Democratic Grouping (AND) 7 4 3
Liberal Union (UL) 5 3 2
New Democracy (ND) 5 3 2
National Andorran Coalition (CNA) 4 2 2
Canillo-Massana Grouping 4 0 4
Mixed Group/Independents 3 2 1

Distribution of seats according to sex:  
Men: 27
Women: 1

Distribution of seats according to profession:

Company directors 10
Liberal professions 5
Teachers 3
Engineers and architects 3
Others 7

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Copyright � 1993 Inter-Parliamentary Union