Parliamentary Chamber: Congreso Nacional


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  17 June 1990

Dates of elections / renewal (from/to):

  Congreso Nacional

Purpose of elections:

  Elections were held for the 60 seats of provincial Deputies on the normal expiry of their term of office.

Background and outcome of elections:

  General elections for the whole Congress were previously held in January 1988. The 1990 national poll was held simultaneously with voting for provincial and municipal officials.

Primary contenders for the 60 congressional seats at stake were the ruling Democratic Left (ID) party, the right-wing Social Christian Party (PSC) and the ID’s governing partner until November 1989, the Popular Democracy (DP) party. Campaign issues mainly concerned the country’s economic problems (inflation, foreign debt, falling prices of oil exports – a major source of income).

Polling day was peaceful and marked by voter apathy. According to final results, the social democratic ID, led by President of the Republic Rodrigo Borja Cevallos, suffered a sharp setback, retaining only 11 of its 27 seats. PSC, headed by former President Le�n Febres Cordero, became the largest political force with 16 seats. In the context, it was foreseen that President Borja would form alliances with other parties in his congressional strategy.

Round no 1 (17 June 1990): Elections results  
Number of registered electors 5,260,000 (approx.)

Round no 1: Distribution of seats  
Political Group Total Provincial National
Social Christian Party (PSC) 16 15 1
Democratic Left (ID) 14 11 3
Partido Roldosista Ecuatoriano (PRE) 13 11 2
Socialist Party (PSE) 8 7 1
Popular Democracy (DP) 7 6 1
Concentraci�n de Fuerzas Populares (CFP) 3 2 1
Radical Liberal Party (PLR) 3 3 0
Conservative Party (PC) 3 2 1
Frente Radical Alfarista (FRA) 2 1 1
Frente Amplio de Izquierda (FADI) 2 1 1
Movimiento Popular Democr�tico (MPD) 1 1 0

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