Parliamentary Chamber: Parlamentul


<<< Return to the Historical Archive page of parliamentary election results for REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA <<<


Dates of elections / renewal (from/to):

  27 February 1994

Purpose of elections:

  Elections were held for all the seats of the new Parliament established after independence was declared in August 1991. Prior to this, general elections had last taken place for the former 380-member Supreme Soviet in February 1990.

Background and outcome of elections:

  General elections had previously taken place in February 1990, when Moldova was still a constituent republic of the ex-USSR. In May 1991, the Supreme Soviet (national legislature) was renamed Parliament and, three months later, Moldova declared its independence from the Soviet Union. In July 1992, a new government "of national accord", headed by President of the Republic Mircea Snegur, was approved.

The election date had been set on 12 October 1993. Thirteen parties and/or coalitions fielding 1,022 candidates, as well as 20 independents, contested the 104 parliamentary seats at stake, the most prominent groups being the ruling Agrarian Democratic Party (ADP) and the Socialist Party, which was allied with the Yedinstvo/Unity Movement bloc. Campaign issues mainly concerned the country’s foreign policy and sovereign status, with the two above-mentioned groups advocating close relations with the Russian Federation while the opposition, led by the nationalist Peasants and Intellectuals bloc and the Christian Democratic People’s Front, favoured Moldova’s reunification with Romania, of which it had been a province between 1920 and 1940 and with which it had strong cultural and linguistic ties (Moldova had been annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940, remaining a part of it until 1991). In 1992, Russian and Ukrainian minorities in eastern Moldova had declared a “Trans-Dni-ester” republic amid ethnic violence; they boycotted the 1994 poll.

Polling day was monitored by international observers. Final voting results gave the ADP (led by former communists) and Socialists over 80% of the parliamentary seats. In line with this outcome, a national plebiscite on 6 March confirmed overwhelming support to continued independence.

On 31 March, the new Parliament elected by Mr. Andrei Sangheli as Prime Minister; he had previously held the same post. A new, smaller, Council of Ministers, comprising solely members of the ADP, was appointed in early April.

Round no 1 (27 February 1994): Elections results  
Number of registered electors 2,000,000 (approx.)
Voters 79.3% (approx.)

Round no 1: Distribution of votes  
Political Group %
Agrarian Democratic Party (ADP) 43.18
Socialist Party and Yedinstvo/Unity Movement bloc 22.0
Peasants and Intellectuals bloc 9.21
Christian Democratic People’s Front 7.53

Round no 1: Distribution of seats  
Political Group Total
Agrarian Democratic Party (ADP) 56
Socialist Party and Yedinstvo/Unity Movement bloc 28
Peasants and Intellectuals bloc 11
Christian Democratic People’s Front 9

Distribution of seats according to sex:  
Men: 99
Women: 5

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