Parliamentary Chamber: House of Delegates


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  House of Delegates

Dates of elections / renewal (from/to):

  7 November 2000

Purpose of elections:

  Elections were held for all the seats in the House of Delegates on the normal expiry of the members' term of office.

Background and outcome of elections:

  Voters went to the polls on 11 November 2000 to elect the President and Vice-President of the Republic as well as the 8 senators and the 16 members of the House of Delegates.

The outgoing Vice-President, Mr Tommy Remengesau, who received strong backing from the outgoing President Kuniwo Nakamura, was elected as the new President, while Mrs. Sandra Pierantozzi won the election for Vice-President, with an unexpected success over the candidate supported by the outgoing administration. She is the first woman to be elected to this post.

In the National Congress (Parliament), only non-partisans were elected as no parties exist.

The President and Vice-President of the Republic were sworn in on 19 January 2001.

Round no 1 (7 November 2000): Elections results  
Voters 10 173

  There are no parties in Palau

Distribution of seats according to sex:  
Men: 16
Women: 0
Percent of women: 0

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