Parliamentary Chamber: Senado


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Dates of elections / renewal (from/to):

  11 May 1992

Purpose of elections:

  Elections were held for all the elective seats in Parliament. General elections had previously been held in May 1987, and a transitory provision in the Constitution of the same year stipulated that congressmen then elected would serve until 30 June 1992, at the latest.

Background and outcome of elections:

  The 1992 congressional elections were held simultaneously with polling for President of the Republic and thousands of provincial and local posts. The three-month campaign opened on 7 February.

Main contestants to succeed President of the Republic Corazon Aquino (who chose not to seek re-election after six years in office) were her endorsed candidate, former Defence Secretary Fidel Ramos of the Lakas - National Union of Christian Democrats (Lakas - NUCD) Party; Mrs. Miriam Santiago of the People’s Reform Party (PRP); Mr. Eduardo Cojuangco, a conservative businessman belonging to the National People’s Coalition (NPC); and former House Speaker Ramon Mitra of the ruling Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP) party. Also in the running but considered an underdog was Mrs. Imelda Marcos, widow of the former President. The powerful “watchdog” Commission on Elections (COMELEC) had narrowed the field by disqualifying numerous candidates, as it did for the Congress. While issues such as the country’s economic revival, relief of unemployment and poverty, left-wing and ultra-right armed threats, and corruption in official circles figured prominently in the campaign debate, there was also much focus on the personalities of candidates. Another key question was the extent to which the country’s rediscovered democratic process could be entrusted to any of the tradition politicians (“trapos”). In this connection, both Mr. Ramos, a Protestant liberal, and Mrs. Santiago, a former judge, reportedly benefited from their public reputations as political “outsiders”.

Like the campaign, polling day passed off in a generally peaceful and orderly way. Early returns had Mrs. Santiago ahead but final results - announced in June - gave the victory to Mr. Ramos, with only 23.5% of the vote. Mrs. Santiago alleged electoral irregularities. In the congressional races, the LDP emerged triumphant in the Senate, capturing 16 of the 24 seats while the Lakas - NUCD came out on top in the House with 72 seats.

On 22 June, the newly elected Congress proclaimed Mr. Ramos President and Mr. Joseph Estrada, who had run on a rival ticket (NPC), Vice-President.

Round no 1 (11 May 1992): Elections results  
Number of registered electors 32,105,782

Round no 1: Distribution of seats  
Political Group Total
Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP) 15
National People’s Coalition (NPC) 5
Lakas - National Union of Christian Democrats (NUCD) 3
Liberal Party - Partidong Demokratikong Pilipino (PDP) - Laban 1

Distribution of seats according to sex:  
Men: 20
Women: 4

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Copyright � 1992 Inter-Parliamentary Union