
Assemblée nationale

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Membre de l’UIP

Organes spécialisés - Forums des femmes

Parliamentary Group for the Guarantee of Women's Rights novembre 2023

A propos

Forums des femmes

Forums des femmes

Formel ou informel
L'intergroupe est ouvert aux parlementaires masculins
Pas d'information disponible
Le forum est multipartite
Des règles encadrent le fonctionnement du forum
Pas d'information disponible
Questions traitées par le forum

The objective of the group is to promote, socialize and disseminate national and international legal instruments regarding the protection of women's rights.

The 2024-2025 workplan includes:

- Following up the report on the evaluation of the Law on the Prevention and Eradication of Violence against Women

- Monitoring the Law on Equal Pay between Women and Men

- Workshops and training on the practical use of technology and parliamentary procedures

- Training of spokespersons to promote the development and political participation of women, with emphasis on indigenous, rural, Afro-descendant and Montubia women.

- Supervising and evaluating the actions of competent authorities, regarding the situation of women deprived of liberty in the context of a state of emergency

- Following up on cases of violence against girls and women in different spaces and contexts and support to victims seeking truth, justice and reparation

- Supporting the economic growth of women entrepreneurs

- Meeting with allied organizations and leaders of decentralized autonomous governments

- Carrying out an awareness program on women's rights on International Women's Day

Le forum dispose d’un plan stratégique ou d’un plan d’action
L'intergroupe dispose d’un plan de communication
Pas d'information disponible

Coordonnées de la commission

Contact / Adresse
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Pas d'information disponible
Numéro de fax
Pas d'information disponible
Pas d'information disponible
site Web

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06