Burkina Faso

Transitional Legislative Assembly

Political system
Transitional system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership

Data on women

Information on the current and historical representation of women in the parliament. Consult the 'Elections' tab to see how women have fared in elections or renewals.

Current representation

Women's representation in the current parliament or chamber

Current number of members
Percentage of women


No information available

Secretary general

Secretary General
Valérie Simporé Soubeiga (Female)

Chairs of specialized bodies

Specialized body Theme Name Sex Age
Committee on General, Institutional and Human Rights Affairs Human rights Lassina Guiti Female 48
Commission on Gender, Social Action and Health Gender equality Marie Angèle Tiendrebéogo-Kalenzaga Female 55

Data on age at the start of the legislature

Number of members, by age (2022-11)
Breakdown of members by age and gender
18 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 45 46 - 50 51 - 60 61 - 70 71 - 80 81 - 90 91 and over Totals per gender
Male 0 3 18 7 9 15 6 1 0 0 59
Female 0 1 4 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 12
Totals per age interval 0 4 22 7 10 20 7 1 0 0 71
Total <= 45: 33 Total >= 46: 38
Percentage of members, by age
Age at the last election or renewal Overall Male Female
Percentage of MPs 30 years of age or younger
5.6% 4.2% 1.4%
Percentage of MPs 40 years of age or younger
36.6% 30% 7.0%
Percentage of MPs 45 years of age or younger
46.5% 39% 7.0%

Reserved seats and quotas

There are reserved seats in parliament for certain groups

Notes: Article 14, the Transitional Charter of 15 October 2022.

Electoral quota for women


The law regarding quotas and procedures for the positioning of candidates (LOI N°003-2020/AN du 22 janvier 2020) aims to ensure a minimum of 30% of candidates of both sexes in the list of candidates of every political party, coalition, or independent group competing in an electoral constituency.

In legislative and municipal lists of candidates, the sex of candidates must alternate at least for the first two thirds of all candidates. Female and male candidates and alternates must alternate in their respective lists of candidates and lists of alternates. The head of a list of candidates and a list of alternates cannot be of the same sex.

Political parties, group of political parties, or group of independents that comply with these provisions benefit from a 20% increase in public funding for electoral campaigning.

Sources: Articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 of the Law establishing quotas and procedures for the positioning of candidates in legislative and municipal elections in Burkina Faso (LOI N°003-2020/AN portant fixation de quota et modalités de positionnement des candidates et candidats aux élections législatives et municipales au Burkina Faso).

First woman in parliament

Year of first woman in parliament

First woman speaker

Year of first woman speaker
Not applicable

Notes: No woman has occupied the function of Speaker in the country.

Women’s suffrage

Date of independence
Women’s right to vote
Restricted or universal suffrage

Notes: Prior to independence, under French administration, women were granted the right to vote on 23 June 1956 , by a framework law (Loi-cadre Deferre). This right was confirmed at independence, in the 1958 constitution.

Women's right to stand for election
No information available
Restricted or universal
No information available

Women's caucus

Women's caucuses or parliamentary groups that bring together women parliamentarians to strengthen cooperation and amplify their voices. For other parliamentary bodies or committees that have a specific mandate to address gender equality matters, see the ‘Specialized body – Gender equality’ tab.

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06