Burkina Faso

Transitional Legislative Assembly

Political system
Transitional system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership

Election results

Data on parliamentary elections, including the background, candidates, voter turnout, results and the formation of the new legislature. By default the latest election results are displayed. Select a date to view results from previous elections.


Election date(s)
11 Nov 2022
Date of dissolution of the outgoing legislature
30 Sep 2022
Timing of election
No information available
Expected date of next elections
30 Jun 2029

Notes: The Transitional Charter, adopted in October 2022, provided for a 21-month transitional period from October 2022 (i.e., until July 2024). The amended Transitional Charter, adopted at a national forum in May 2024, extends the transitional period by 60 months as of 2 July 2024 (i.e., until July 2029).


Article 22 of the revised Transitional Charter

Number of seats at stake
Scope of elections
No information available


About the election

On 30 September 2022, soldiers led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré staged a second coup, ousting transitional President Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba. The new coup leaders announced the suspension of the Constitution and transitional charter, as well as the dissolution of the government and the Transitional Legislative Assembly.

Following a national forum, which ended on 14 October, Captain Traoré signed a new transitional charter and an act confirming him as Head of State, President and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The Transitional Charter provides for a 21-month transitional period from 2 October 2022 (i.e., until July 2024).

The new Transitional Charter provides for a 71-member Transitional Legislative Assembly, which will comprise the following representatives:

- Persons designated by the Head of State, including one internally displaced person and one Burkinabe from abroad: 20

- Persons who are not affiliated to a political party or movement, designated by prominent regional stakeholders (one person per region): 13

- Persons representing political parties and movements as follows: four people from the former Alliance of Political Parties of the Majority; four from the former leading opposition movement; two from the former unaffiliated opposition; and two from other parties: 12

- Persons designated by the security and defence forces, taking account of all groups of combatants: 16

- Persons representing civil society organizations as follows: two people from the private sector; two from the agricultural sector; two young people; two women; and two people with a disability: 10

On 11 November 2022, the new 71-member Transitional Legislative Assembly, which includes 12 women, took office (see note). It elected Mr. Ousmane Bougouma, a university professor, as its President.

The Transitional Legislative Assembly (TLA), established in March 2022, was appointed by decree of the Transitional President. However, a different mode of designation was applied to the new TLA established in October 2022. A commission of inquiry and deliberation validated the credentials of the candidates designated by various groups, as foreseen in Article 14 of the October 2022 Transitional Charter (see above). After validation by the commission, its President submitted the list of 71 persons to the Secretary General of the TLA, Ms. Valérie Simporé Soubeiga. She then convened the inaugural session of the new TLA, during which the mandate of the new TLA members was confirmed.

Members elected, by sex
Number of men elected
Number of women elected
Percentage of women elected
Women Appointed
Other notes on the elections

Note on the new composition of the Transitional Legislative Assembly as of July 2024:
The amended Transitional Charter, adopted in May 2024, continues to reserve 12 seats for political parties and movements without specifying the quota as had previously been granted to the following four political components: “four people from the former Alliance of Political Parties of the Majority; four from the former leading opposition movement; two from the former unaffiliated opposition; and two from other parties”.

Note on the number of women:
Regarding the composition of the 12 political party representatives referred to in the amended Transitional Charter, adopted in May 2024, on 18 July 2024, the mandate of five members was renewed while seven new members, including one woman, were appointed, bringing the total number of women to 13 out of 71 TLA members.


Transitional Legislative Assembly (25.11.2022, 09.01.2023, 24.01.2023, 24.07.2024, 31.07.2024)

New legislature

Total number of men after the election
Total number of women after the election
Percentage of women after the election
First-term parliamentarians
Percentage of first-term parliamentarians
Date of the first session
11 Nov 2022

First Speaker of the new legislature

Personal details for the first Speaker of the new legislature
Ousmane Bougouma (Male)
Date of birth: 31 Dec 1981
Date of election
11 Nov 2022

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06