
Chamber of Deputies

Political system
Presidential system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership

Election results

Data on parliamentary elections, including the background, candidates, voter turnout, results and the formation of the new legislature. By default the latest election results are displayed. Select a date to view results from previous elections.


Election date(s)
05 Oct 2014
Date of dissolution of the outgoing legislature
No information available
Timing of election
Upon normal expiry
Number of seats at stake
Scope of elections
Full renewal


Number of parties contesting the election
Total number of candidates
The number of women candidates is not available from authoritative sources.

Voter turnout

Registered voters
Voter turnout


About the election

A coalition supporting President Dilma Rousseff of the Workers' Party (PT, see note 1) retained a majority in both chambers of Congress. It took 304 seats in the 543-member Chamber of Deputies and controlled 58 seats following the partial renewal of the 81-member Senate. An opposition coalition supporting the presidential bid of Senator Aecio Neves of the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB, see note 2) took a total of 128 seats in the Chamber and held 20 seats in the Senate. Ms. Rousseff won the run-off presidential elections held on 26 October, narrowly defeating Senator Neves. The latter was backed by Ms. Marina Silva of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), who came third in the first round of the presidential elections.

President Rousseff's PT - in power since 2003 - ran on the government's record, citing its success in reducing unemployment. It promised to expand the social welfare programme, in particular the Bolsa Familia, the family allowance for low-income families that covers about one-fifth of the population. The PSDB also promised to maintain the Bolsa Familia, while promoting business-friendly policies and a smaller role for the State in the economy. It proposed to reduce the minimum age at which minors can be tried as adults for serious crimes from 18 to 16 years old. The PSB opposed this plan, and promised better protection for indigenous communities.

Note 1:

The winning coalition comprised the Workers' Party (PT), the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB), the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the Progressive Party (PP), the Party of the Republic (PR), the Brazilian Republican Party (PRB), the Democratic Labour Party (PDT) and the Republican Party of the Social Order (PROS).

Note 2:

The opposition coalition comprised the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB), the Brazilian Labour Party (PTB), the Democrats (DEM), the Solidality (SD), National Labour Party (PTN), the National Mobilization Party (PMN), the National Ecologic Party (PEN), the Christian Labour Party (PTC) and Labour Party of Brazil (PT do B).

Number of parties winning seats
Percentage of parties winning seats
Percentage of seats won by largest party or coalition
Alternation of power after elections
Number of parties in government
Names of parties in government
Workers' Party (PT), Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB), Democratic Labour Party (PDT), Brazilian Labour Party (PTB), Progressive Party (PP), Party of the Republic (PR), Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B), Social Democratic Party (PSD), Brazilian Republican Party (PRB), Republican Party of the Social Order (PROS), Labour Party of Brazil (PT do B), Progressive Republican Party (PRP) and National Mobilization Party (PMN).

Parties or coalitions winning seats

Parties or coalitions winning seats
Political group Total
Workers' Party (PT) 70
Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB) 66
Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB) 54
Social Democratic Party (PSD) 37
Progressive Party (PP) 36
Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) 34
Party of the Republic (PR) 34
Brazilian Labour Party (PTB) 25
Democrats (DEM) 22
Brazilian Republican Party (PRB) 21
Democratic Labour Party (PDT) 19
Solidality (SD) 15
Social Christian Party (PSC) 12
Republican Party of the Social Order (PROS) 11
Popular Socialist Party (PPS) 10
Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B) 10
Green Party (PV) 8
Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL) 5
Humanist Party of Solidarity (PHS) 5
National Labour Party (PTN) 4
Progressive Republican Party (PRP) 3
Party of National Mobilization (PMN) 3
National Ecologic Party (PEN) 2
Christian Social Democratic Party (PSDC) 2
Christian Labour Party (PTC) 2
Social Liberal Party (PSL) 1
Labour Party of Brazil (PT do B) 1
Renewed Brazilian Labour Party (PRTB) 1
Members elected, by sex
Number of men elected
Number of women elected
Percentage of women elected
Women Directly Elected

IPU Group (30.10.2014, 10.12.2014, 01.01.2015, 04.02.2015, 01.01.2017)

Tribunal Superior Eleitoral

New legislature

Total number of men after the election
Total number of women after the election
Percentage of women after the election
First-term parliamentarians
Percentage of first-term parliamentarians
Date of the first session
01 Feb 2015

First Speaker of the new legislature

Personal details for the first Speaker of the new legislature
Eduardo Cosentino da Cunha (Male)
Political party
Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB)

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06