Council of States
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Parliamentary system
Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Specialized body - Women's caucus
Cross-Party Group of Women Parliamentarians January 1990
Permanent or temporary (ad-hoc)
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No information available
- Themes
Women's caucus
Women's caucus
- Formal or informal
- The caucus is open to male MPs
- The caucus is cross-party
- There are rules governing the functioning of the caucus
No information available
- Issues dealt with by the caucus
The purpose of the group is to facilitate networking among female members of the Swiss parliament, so it organizes various events for women.
In addition to the group, the Parliament also maintains a website "Political Women" to encourage women to be/become politically active, by providing materials (documents, videos etc.) on success stories, female role models, and by organizing events dedicated to the topic.
- The caucus has a strategic plan or plan of action
- The caucus has a communication plan
Contact information for the Committee
- Contact / Address
No information available
- Phone
No information available
- Fax number
No information available
- Web site