

Political system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership


Data on parliament’s law-making role and activities

Legislative activity

Number of laws adopted by parliament, per year
Total number of laws adopted by Parliament in the previous legislature
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Number of laws adopted in the previous legislature that were initiated by parliament
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Number of laws adopted in the previous legislature that were initiated by the government
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Percentage of laws initiated by parliament in the previous legislature
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Dates of the previous legislature
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Outcome when the two chambers cannot agree on a piece of draft legislation
The decision of the lower chamber will take effect after a certain deadline

Executive-legislative relations

Legislation adopted by parliament requires the assent of the Head of State


Article 31 of the Constitution states:

1. The President of the Republic shall enact laws passed by Parliament within 15 days of receiving them unless the President requests a second reading or refers the matter to the Constitutional Council.

2. Upon the expiry of this deadline, and after establishing the failure of the President of the Republic to act, the President of the National Assembly may enact the law.

Number of times the Head of State declined to give assent to legislation, per year
No information available
Consequences when the Head of State declines to give assent to legislation
Not applicable
Final decision when parliament and the Head of State do not agree
Constitutional/Supreme Court

Existence of a procedure to introduce emergency legislation

No information available

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06