House of Representatives
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Presidential system
Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Data on parliamentary sessions, parliamentary committees and parliamentary groups.
- Number of ordinary sessions of parliament per year
Dates of parliamentary sessions
Parliament is usually in ordinary session | Extraordinary sessions can be held | |
January | x | |
February | x | |
March | x | |
April | x | |
May | x | |
June | x | |
July | x | x |
August | x | |
September | x | |
October | x | |
November | x | |
December | x |
Number of days the parliament/chamber met in plenary, per year
This may include virtual sessions.
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Notes: Figures are based on the parliamentary year (September to July)
All languages recognized in the constitution can be used in plenary meetings
Answer “No” includes the countries where only one language is recognized by the Constitution.
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Number of permanent committees
This number does not include sub-committees or joint committees in bicameral parliaments.
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Parliamentary groups
Parliamentary groups are recognized in the parliamentary rules
“Parliamentary groups” are the primary means by which political parties organize themselves in parliament. They may also be known as “party groups”, “caucuses” or “fractions”. They are different from all-party groups on specific issues, or inter-parliamentary friendship groups.
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Number of parliamentary groups
Parliamentary groups are the primary means by which political parties organize themselves in Parliament. They may also be known as “party groups”, “coalitions”, “caucuses” or “factions”. They are different from all-party groups on specific issues, or inter-parliamentary friendship groups.
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Click for historical data
Notes: The figure provided refers to political parties represented in the Parliament. Only 2 out of 7 parties are entitled to form a parliamentary group in accordance with the criteria set in the Constitution.
- Minimum number of members required to form a parliamentary group
- There is a minimum number of members to form a parliamentary group
Percentage of members required to form a parliamentary group
The percentage is calculated by dividing the minimum number of members required to form a parliamentary group by the statutory number of members of the parliament or chamber.
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- Independent members can jointly form a parliamentary group
- Not applicable. There are no independent members in this parliament/chamber
- Several parties can jointly form a parliamentary group
- Relevant provisions about parliamentary groups in the parliamentary rules of procedure
Constitution, art. 73 (12)
Constitutional provisions can limit the number of parliamentary groups that can form within the parliament. For example, in the 2021-2026 legislature, seven political parties are represented, but only two of the seven are entitled to form a parliamentary group in accordance with the criteria set in the Constitution.