United Kingdom
House of Commons
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Parliamentary system
Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Data on parliament’s law-making role and activities
Legislative activity
- Number of laws adopted by parliament, per year
Notes: Figures include primary legislation only (Acts of Parliament).
Total number of laws adopted by Parliament in the previous legislature
“Legislature” refers to the full period between the first session of a new legislature until it’s dissolution.
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Number of laws adopted in the previous legislature that were initiated by parliament
In some cases other entities have the right to initiate legislation in national parliaments – such as citizens, autonomous regions, and other high-level government institutions.
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Number of laws adopted in the previous legislature that were initiated by the government
In some cases other entities have the right to initiate legislation in national parliaments – such as citizens, autonomous regions, and other high-level government institutions.
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Percentage of laws initiated by parliament in the previous legislature
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of the laws adopted that were initiated by parliament by the total number of laws adopted in the previous legislature.
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Dates of the previous legislature
Refers to the full period between the first session of a new legislature until it’s dissolution
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17 Dec 2019 to 24 May 2024(2024-07)
Outcome when the two chambers cannot agree on a piece of draft legislation
For bicameral parliaments: Outcome when the two chambers cannot agree on a piece of draft legislationNot applicable; The legislation cannot be adopted unless both chambers agree; The decision of the lower chamber will take effect after a certain deadline; The decision of the upper chamber will take effect after a certain deadline; Other (please specify) For bicameral parliaments: Outcome when the two chambers cannot agree on a piece of draft legislation
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If the two Houses do not agree on the text of the legislation the House of Commons can decide to apply the Parliament Acts under which the House of Commons can apply for Royal Assent for its text of the legislation without the agreement of the House of Lords.
For an explanation of the workings of Parliament Acts see: https://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/SN00675
Sources: The Parliament Acts
Executive-legislative relations
Legislation adopted by parliament requires the assent of the Head of State
In some countries, the Constitution foresees that legislation adopted by parliament must be signed into law by the Head of State. If so, the Head of State may, for example, have the power to veto the legislation, return it to parliament, or submit it to another body such as a constitutional court.
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Notes: While “Royal Assent” by the Monarch is required for legislation to be passed, it is largely theoretical. In practice, Royal Assent has not been refused since 1707.
Sources: Royal Assent Act 1967
Number of times the Head of State declined to give assent to legislation, per year
In some countries, the Constitution foresees that legislation adopted by parliament must be signed into law by the Head of State. If so, the Head of State may, for example, have the power to veto the legislation, return it to parliament, or submit it to another body such as a constitutional court.
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Consequences when the Head of State declines to give assent to legislation
Consequences when the Head of State declines to give assent to legislation: Not applicable; No further action is taken. The legislation is rejected; The legislation is returned to Parliament for re-examination; The legislation is referred to the Constitutional/Supreme Court;The legislation is put to a referendum; Other (please specify)
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No further action is taken. The legislation is rejected
Final decision when parliament and the Head of State do not agree
Final decision when parliament and the Head of State do not agree: Not applicable; Parliament; Head of State; Constitutional/Supreme Court; Other (please specify)
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Notes: Royal Assent is required but in practice has not been refused since 1707.
Existence of a procedure to introduce emergency legislation
There is a procedure for introducing emergency legislation into parliament
In some countries, the Constitution may allow the government to submit emergency legislation to parliament. The provision may, for example, allow the government to set a deadline for parliament to debate a particular bill. The procedure may also be referred to differently depending on the parliament, for e.g., urgent proceedings. In general, this is a formalized procedure that involves speeding up the passage of legislation by circumventing normal processes.
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