Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Islamic Parliament of Iran
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Election results
Data on parliamentary elections, including the background, candidates, voter turnout, results and the formation of the new legislature. By default the latest election results are displayed. Select a date to view results from previous elections.
Election date(s)
The date when elections started and ended for directly or indirectly elected parliaments/chambers. The date of appointments for appointed parliaments/chambers.
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26 Feb 2016 to 29 Apr 2016
Date of dissolution of the outgoing legislature
Date at which the previous legislature (elected at the previous elections) was dissolved.
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26 May 2016
Timing of election
Timing of election: Upon normal expiry; Early elections; Delayed elections
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Upon normal expiry
Number of seats at stake
Number of seats contested at the elections. Where the parliament/chamber is fully renewed, this number is usually identical to the statutory number of members. Where the parliament/chamber is partially renewed or appointed, the number of seats at stake is usually less than the total number of members.
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Scope of elections
Scope of elections: Full renewal; Partial renewal.
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Full renewal
- Not applicable. There is no party system or candidates stood as independents.
Total number of candidates
Total number of people who registered as candidates for election. Does not include people who stood as candidates to become "substitute members".
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Number of male candidates
Number of male candidates
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Number of female candidates
Number of female candidates
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Percentage of women candidates
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of women candidates by the total number of candidates.
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About the election
Short description of the context and results of the election.
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The Universal Coalition of Reformists ("List of Hope"), mainly comprising moderate conservatives and reformists (see note 1), fared well in elections to parliament and the Assembly of Experts (see note 2). Led by former Vice President Mohammad Reza Aref, it took over 120 seats in the two rounds of parliamentary elections. The Grand Coalition of Principle-ists (comprising hardline conservatives, or "principle-ists"), led by former Speaker Gholam Ali Haddad-Adel, won over 80 seats, though Mr. Haddad-Adel himself lost his seat. A record 17 women were elected.
During the election campaign, many candidates promised to support greater economic development. Around half of the potential candidates were disqualified by the Guardian Council prior to the election.
The 2016 elections were first to be held under President Hassan Rouhani, elected in 2013. International sanctions were removed in January 2016 following an agreement on Iran's nuclear programme. Former President Mohammad Khatami praised the success of the List of Hope, saying the people have expressed their support for the policies of the Rohani administration.
Note 1:
While political parties exist, they are not active. The main political forces are generally considered to be 'conservatives' (often referred to as principle-ists or fundamentalists) and 'reformists'. The reformists favour expanded social freedoms and engagement with the West. Moderate conservatives, who backed the 2015 nuclear agreement, joined the List of Hope in the 2016 elections.
Note 2:
The 88-member Assembly of Experts has the authority to appoint and dismiss the Supreme Leader, currently Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, appointed for life in June 1989. Moderate conservatives won 59% of the seats in 2016, including President Rouhani and former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
Alternation of power after elections
The results of the elections caused a change in the government. "Not applicable" to countries using the presidential system when parliamentary and presidential elections are held separately, to countries in political transition or where there is no party system.
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Not applicable
Members elected, by sex
- Number of men elected
- Number of women elected
Percentage of women elected
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of women elected by the number of seats filled.
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- Women Directly Elected
- Other notes on the elections
Number of seats at stake: 290, including five seats reserved for minorities who are elected separately.
- Sources
Islamic Parliament of Iran (05.03.2016, 02.05.2016)
BBC Monitoring
Press TV
United States Institute of Peace
New legislature
Total number of men after the election
The total number of male parliamentarians in this parliament/chamber following the election or renewal, regardless of their modes of designation.
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Total number of women after the election
The total number of female parliamentarians in this parliament/chamber following the election or renewal, regardless of their modes of designation.
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Percentage of women after the election
The percentage is calculated by dividing the total number of women in this parliament/chamber by the current number of members.
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First-term parliamentarians
The number of members who are assuming their parliamentary mandate for the first time following the election or renewal, regardless of their mode of designation.
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No information available
Percentage of first-term parliamentarians
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of first-term parliamentarians by the number of seats at stake in the election.
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No information available
Date of the first session
The date when the newly elected parliament/chamber was convened for the first time. It may be different from the date when members were sworn in.
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28 May 2016
First Speaker of the new legislature
- Personal details for the first Speaker of the new legislature
Ali Ardeshir Larijani (Male)
Date of birth: 1957 -
Date of election
The date of the election of the Speaker may be different from the date of the first session of the new legislature.
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31 May 2016