Sri Lanka
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Specialized body - Women's caucus
Women Parliamentarians' Caucus January 2006
Permanent or temporary (ad-hoc)
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No information available
- Themes
Women's caucus
Women's caucus
- Formal or informal
- The caucus is open to male MPs
- The caucus is cross-party
- There are rules governing the functioning of the caucus
No information available
- Issues dealt with by the caucus
- 1. Increasing the participation of women in politics. 2. Safeguarding women's rights and gender equality. 3. Preventing violations and harassment of all kinds against women. 4. Looking into the welfare of women workers, including migrant workers. 5. Alleviating poverty among underprivileged women and widows and providing them with vocational training and facilities. 6. Improving education for women. 7. Looking into women's health-related problems. 8. Providing legal aid and counselling. 9. Enacting legislation for the betterment of women 10. Contributing to development of the country in general.
- The caucus has a strategic plan or plan of action
- The caucus has a communication plan
Contact information for the Committee
- Contact / Address
No information available
- Phone
No information available
- Fax number
No information available
No information available
- Web site
No information available