House of Representatives
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Transitional system
Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Election results
Data on parliamentary elections, including the background, candidates, voter turnout, results and the formation of the new legislature. By default the latest election results are displayed. Select a date to view results from previous elections.
Election date(s)
The date when elections started and ended for directly or indirectly elected parliaments/chambers. The date of appointments for appointed parliaments/chambers.
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25 Jun 2014
Date of dissolution of the outgoing legislature
Date at which the previous legislature (elected at the previous elections) was dissolved.
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04 Aug 2014
Timing of election
Timing of election: Upon normal expiry; Early elections; Delayed elections
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No information available
Expected date of next elections
The expected date at which the next elections should take place, based on law or practice.
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31 Dec 2024
Number of seats at stake
Number of seats contested at the elections. Where the parliament/chamber is fully renewed, this number is usually identical to the statutory number of members. Where the parliament/chamber is partially renewed or appointed, the number of seats at stake is usually less than the total number of members.
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Scope of elections
Scope of elections: Full renewal; Partial renewal.
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Full renewal
Number of parties contesting the election
This field may include either the number of parties contesting the election, or the number of coalitions/electoral alliance.
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Number of parties contesting the election: N/A (Candidatures must be submitted by individuals)
Total number of candidates
Total number of people who registered as candidates for election. Does not include people who stood as candidates to become "substitute members".
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Number of male candidates
Number of male candidates
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Number of female candidates
Number of female candidates
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Notes: 149 women ran for 32 seats reserved for women while three stood for general seats.
Percentage of women candidates
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of women candidates by the total number of candidates.
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Voter turnout
Registered voters
Number of people registered to vote
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Number of people who actually voted
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Voter turnout
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of people who actually voted by the number of people registered to vote
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About the election
Short description of the context and results of the election.
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All candidates stood as independents in the 2014 elections to the House of Representatives (HoR), unlike the July 2012 elections, where candidates could also be submitted by political parties.
The HoR is an interim legislative body that replaces the previous interim parliament, the General National Council (GNC). The GNC initially voted in December 2013 to extend its term beyond its scheduled end in February 2014. However, following street protests against the extension, the GNC decided to organize elections to the HoR in June.
The majority system was used for the 2014 elections, replacing the mixed electoral system used in 2012. 32 of the 200 seats are reserved for women.
Amid violence, only 1.5 million of some 3.5 million eligible voters registered to vote in 2014, a sharp decrease from the 2.7 million registered in 2012. Even so, turnout of registered voters dropped from 62% in 2012 to 42% in 2014.
As all candidates ran as independents, election campaigning was low profile. 41 candidates were rejected by the Public Official Standards Commission, set up in accordance with the Political Isolation Law, which bans former officials of the Gaddafi regime from holding public office. In all, 12 seats were not filled, and the High National Election Commission (HNEC) stated that it did not have a remit to hold new elections for these seats.
The HoR elections followed those to a 60-member Constituent Assembly (CA), held in February 2014. The latter, which was convened in April, is due to draft a Constitution within 18 months of that date.
In June, the government decided that the HoR should be based in Benghazi - the cradle of the 2011 uprising which toppled Col. Muammar Gaddafi's regime - instead of the capital Tripoli. Government officials explained the move was a part of efforts to rebuild state authority in the underdeveloped east. However, due to security concerns, it held its first session in eastern city of Tobruk on 4 August. This decision was contested by outgoing GNC Speaker Nouri Abu-Sahmayn, who organized a handover ceremony in Tripoli attended by GNC members and some HoR members.
The HoR should, amongst others, decide the mode of designation of an interim President within 45 days of its first session and promulgate the new Constitution once the draft has been approved by a two-thirds majority in a referendum (see note). Within 30 days from the date of promulgation of the new Constitution, the HoR will issue an electoral law that will be used to elect a new parliament. Parliamentary elections will be held within 120 days thereafter. The new parliament will be convened within 30 days from the approval of the final results by the HNEC. The first session of the new parliament will dissolve the HoR.
Note on the referendum:
Once the draft constitution is finalized by the CA, it will be submitted to a referendum within 30 days. If approved by a two-thirds majority of voters, the HoR will promulgate the new Constitution. If rejected, the CA will re-draft the constitution and put it again to referendum within 30 days from the announcement of referendum result.
Alternation of power after elections
The results of the elections caused a change in the government. "Not applicable" to countries using the presidential system when parliamentary and presidential elections are held separately, to countries in political transition or where there is no party system.
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Not applicable
Members elected, by sex
- Number of men elected
- Number of women elected
Percentage of women elected
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of women elected by the number of seats filled.
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- Women Directly Elected
- Other notes on the elections
Date of dissolution of the outgoing legislature: 4 August 2014. The day when the GNC handed over its power to the HoR.
Timing of election: N/A. Parliamentary elections were due to be held in 2013. Elections to another interim parliament, HoR, were held in 2014 instead.
- Sources
UNDP in Libya (10.08.2014)
High National Elections Commission
New legislature
Total number of men after the election
The total number of male parliamentarians in this parliament/chamber following the election or renewal, regardless of their modes of designation.
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Total number of women after the election
The total number of female parliamentarians in this parliament/chamber following the election or renewal, regardless of their modes of designation.
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Percentage of women after the election
The percentage is calculated by dividing the total number of women in this parliament/chamber by the current number of members.
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First-term parliamentarians
The number of members who are assuming their parliamentary mandate for the first time following the election or renewal, regardless of their mode of designation.
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Percentage of first-term parliamentarians
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of first-term parliamentarians by the number of seats at stake in the election.
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Date of the first session
The date when the newly elected parliament/chamber was convened for the first time. It may be different from the date when members were sworn in.
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04 Aug 2014
First Speaker of the new legislature
- Personal details for the first Speaker of the new legislature
Aguila Saleh Iissa (Male)
Date of election
The date of the election of the Speaker may be different from the date of the first session of the new legislature.
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04 Aug 2014