National Assembly
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Specialized body - Women's caucus
Network of Mauritanian Women Parliamentarians (REFPAM) January 2015
Permanent or temporary (ad-hoc)
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No information available
- Themes
Women's caucus
Women's caucus
- Formal or informal
- The caucus is open to male MPs
No information available
- The caucus is cross-party
No information available
- There are rules governing the functioning of the caucus
No information available
- Link to rules
- Issues dealt with by the caucus
The missions of the REFPAM are :
- To contribute to the proposal and adoption of laws and policies favourable to the improvement of living conditions and the political emergence of women in their diversity, while promoting the creation of a framework for partnership and mobilization at all levels;
- Contribute to a more effective monitoring of government action to ensure that laws, policies and programmes take gender into account;
- Represent Mauritanian women in their diversity by being their voice in the National Assembly and Senate of Mauritania;
- Contribute to the integration of gender in the administration and management of the National Assembly and Senate of Mauritania;
- Contribute to the protection of women and children;
- Strengthen reflection and consultation within Parliament for a better involvement of deputies and senators in the promotion of women.
- The caucus has a strategic plan or plan of action
- The caucus has a communication plan
Contact information for the Committee
- Contact / Address
No information available
- Phone
No information available
- Fax number
No information available
No information available
- Web site
No information available