National Assembly
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Presidential system
Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Openness and transparency
Information about access to parliamentary documents, parliament’s reporting to the public, parliament’s relation to Freedom of Information laws, and lobbying.
Parliamentary documents
The agendas of plenary meetings are published online in advance
The agendas of plenary meetings are published online in advance.
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The agendas of committee meetings are published online in advance
The agendas of committee meetings are published online in advance.
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Results of votes on draft legislation are published on the parliamentary web site
Results of votes on draft legislation are published on the parliamentary web site.
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Draft legislation is published on the parliamentary website
Draft legislation is published on the parliamentary website.
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- Citizens can submit comments on draft legislation on the parliamentary web site
Annual reporting by parliament
- Parliament publishes an annual report on its activities
- The annual report is available on the parliamentary web site
No information available
- Parliament publishes the parliamentary budget
Access to parliament
- Plenary meetings are open to the public
Notes: The National Assembly shall provide access to the press and members of the public, except where a motion is passed with reasons prohibiting public access in the national interest.
Sources: Constitution, art. 55(4)
- Committee meetings are open to the public
Notes: When a matter is sensitive and private, a Committee may decide to hold the meeting in camera.
There is a dedicated channel for broadcasting parliamentary meetings
A dedicated channel is one that is mainly about parliament, and is accessible free of charge to the general public. The channel might be owned by Parliament or a public or private company. Dedicated channels may be broadcast by parliament, government, or another broadcaster. They may be carried on television, radio or the Internet (webcasting).
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- Media used for the dedicated channel
No information available
- Meetings broadcast on the dedicated channel
No information available
Freedom of information
- There is a freedom of information law in the country
- Parliament is subject to the freedom of information law
No information available
- Parliament has an office/division dedicated to FOI requests
Categories of Information that are exempt from disclosure
Certain categories of information may be exempt from disclosure
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Contents of business (or decisions) before the House or Committee which have not been concluded or submitted to the House (in the case of Committees).
- There are rules about the activities of lobbyists in parliament
- There is a register of accredited lobbyists