Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Presidential system
Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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About parliament
Basic information such as the official name of parliament and details of its structure and leadership. Also includes the current breakdown of MPs by sex and age, and provisions for quotas and reserved seats.
- Parliament name
Congreso de la Unión (Congress of the Union)
- Chamber name
Cámara de Senadores (Senate)
Structure & status of parliament
This field is to indicate lower/upper in the back end.
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Upper chamber
Parliamentary term (years)
Length of the parliamentary term in years
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IPU membership
- Affiliation periods
from 1925 to 1927
from 1973 -
IPU Geopolitical Group/s
IPU Geopolitical Groups: African Group, Arab Group, Asia-Pacific Group, Eurasia Group, Group of Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC), Twelve Plus Group.
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Group of Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC)
Official title
The Speaker may for example be known as the Presiding Officer, President, Chairman/Chairperson, etc.
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President of the Senate
- Speaker
Gerardo Fernández Noroña (Male)
Date of birth: 19 Mar 1960 -
Start (and end) of the term of the Speaker
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01 Sep 2024
Speaker terms
No information available
Secretary general
Official title
This post is most commonly called Secretary General or Clerk. It may also be called Secretary, Head/Chief of the Secretariat, Director General, etc.
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Secretary General
- Secretary General
Óscar Trinidad Palomera Cano (Male)
Start (and end) of the term of the Secretary general
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03 Sep 2024
Additional information about the Secretary General, in particular regarding their term.
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Appointed on 3 September 2024.
Statutory number of members
Statutory number of members, as defined in the constitution or other fundamental law.
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- Principal mode of designation of members
Directly elected
Directly elected members
Directly elected by citizens.
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Current number of members
Number of members who currently hold seats in parliament. May be lower or higher than the statutory number of members.
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The number of male parliamentarians who currently hold seats in parliament.
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The number of female parliamentarians who currently hold seats in parliament.
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Percentage of women
Calculated by dividing the current number of women by the current number of members.
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Statutory number of members per country
As defined in the constitution or other fundamental laws. Combines the number of parliamentarians in both chambers in bicameral parliaments.
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Population (in thousands)
Source: United Nations, World Population Prospects.
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Inhabitants per parliamentarian
Calculated by dividing the population by the statutory number of parliamentarians.
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Data on the age of parliamentarians is collected at the start of the legislature, following the most recent elections. This data is not updated during the legislature, except when parliament notifies the IPU of a change in the youngest or oldest member.
Average age of all members
Average age of members, for which data is available, at the time of the last election or renewal.
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Click for historical data
Number of members, by age
18 - 20 | 21 - 30 | 31 - 40 | 41 - 45 | 46 - 50 | 51 - 60 | 61 - 70 | 71 - 80 | 81 - 90 | 91 and over | Totals per gender | |
Male | No information available | ||||||||||
Female | |||||||||||
Total <= 45: - | Total >= 46: - |
Age at the last election or renewal | Overall | Male | Female |
- | - | - | |
- | - | - | |
- | - | - |
Reserved seats and quotas
There are reserved seats in parliament for certain groups
Reserved seats are a means to ensure the parliamentary representation of certain groups in society.
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Electoral quota for women
Quotas to promote gender-balanced representation in parliament
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Article 3.1. d bis) of the April 2020 Decree (DOF: 13/04/2020)* stipulates gender parity requirements, which require 50% of candidates to be women and 50% to be men for positions filled through popular election and the same percentages for those appointed to their positions.
*DECREE reforming and supplementing various provisions of the General Law on Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence (Ley General de Acceso de las Mujeres a una Vida Libre de Violencia), the General Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures (Ley General de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales), the General Law on the Electoral Disputes System (Ley General del Sistema de Medios de Impugnación en Materia Electoral), the General Law on Political Parties (Ley General de Partidos Políticos), the General Law on Electoral Offences (Ley General en Materia de Delitos Electorales), the Organic Law on the Federal Attorney General's Office (Ley Orgánica de la Fiscalía General de la República), the Organic Law on the Federal Judicial Branch (Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial) and the General Law on Administrative Responsibilities (Ley General de Responsabilidades Administrativas).
Legislated candidate quotas
DOF: 13/04/2020:
Legislated candidate quotas: Articles 219 and 220 of the Federal Code for Electoral Institutions and Procedures (Código Federal de Instituciones y Procedimientos Electorales, COFIPE).
Youth quota
Quotas to promote the representation of youth in parliament.
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Links to additional information
Parliamentary website
Link(s) to parliamentary web site in English, French and/or local languages.
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List of members
Link(s) to list of members on the parliamentary web site.
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Rules of procedure/Standing Orders
Link(s) to Rules of procedure on the parliamentary web site in English, French and/or local language.
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Official links to the Constitution in English, French and/or original language is provided. Links to unofficial translations where no other source is available.
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