Congress of the Republic
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Presidential system
Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Specialized body - Women's caucus
Group of Peruvian Women Parliamentarians (MMPP) July 2006
Permanent or temporary (ad-hoc)
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No information available
- Themes
Women's caucus
Women's caucus
- Formal or informal
- The caucus is open to male MPs
- The caucus is cross-party
- There are rules governing the functioning of the caucus
No information available
- Link to rules
- Issues dealt with by the caucus
• Institutional strengthening of the Congress of the Republic through the exchange of peer experiences at the national and global levels, through concerted work on key areas, as well as with other institutions of the Peruvian State.
• Strengthening the capacities of female parliamentarians in the Republic, breaking the barriers that hinder their presence in political life, developing training opportunities and staying up to date on ways to increase their effective participation.
• Strengthening the socially transformative work and political participation of female parliamentarians in order to prevent them from being affected by acts of discrimination, political harassment or psychological violence.
• Provide a space for inclusive dialogue that includes the Central Government and civil society, and links to those who are in risk of vulnerability, based on their gender.
• During the period 2013-2014, the MMPP contributed to the adoption of : the Law for Equal Opportunities, a law making femicide a criminal offence, a law that removed the conciliation process in domestic violence trials, and a law amending the limitation period for the claim of maintenance allowance.
- The caucus has a strategic plan or plan of action
- The caucus has a communication plan
Contact information for the Committee
- Contact / Address
Congreso de la República
Plaza Bolívar, Av. Abancay s/n
Peru - Phone
- Fax number
No information available
- Web site