Papua New Guinea

National Parliament

Political system
Parliamentary system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership

Notes: Non-participating Member (all rights suspended)

Specialized body - Women's caucus

Joint Parliamentary Women’s Caucus – PNG National Parliament and Bougainville House of Representatives November 2023


No information available
Women's caucus

Women's caucus

Formal or informal
The caucus is open to male MPs
The caucus is cross-party
There are rules governing the functioning of the caucus
No information available
Issues dealt with by the caucus

The mission of the Joint Parliamentary Women's Caucus is to promote gender equality and empower women by uniting women parliamentarians across party lines. The Caucus advocates, enacts, and monitors gender- and child-sensitive laws and budgets to ensure equality for all, particularly women, children, and the vulnerable. The Caucus also provides a platform for exchanging ideas, forming collective platforms, and supporting one another on issues of common concern.

The Caucus has the following objectives:

• Promote solidarity and collaboration among women parliamentarians, regardless of political party affiliation, to advance the cause of gender equality.

• Advocate for policy and legislative changes that promote gender equality and women's empowerment, including laws and budgets that are gender- and child-sensitive.

• Raise awareness among parliamentarians, the public and media about gender equality issues, such as pay equity, gender-based violence, and women's political participation.

• Provide opportunities for training and capacity-building for women parliamentarians to enhance their effectiveness as legislators and representatives.

• Undertake research and data analysis on issues relating women’s rights and interests to generate evidence-based information and recommendation to inform policy and legislative decisions.

• Monitor the implementation of gender equality policies and legislation and hold governments accountable for their commitments.

• Lobby for support from non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations, including civil society groups, development partners, and regional bodies, to advance the agenda of the Women's Caucus and promote gender equality.

The caucus has a strategic plan or plan of action
The caucus has a communication plan

Contact information for the Committee

Contact / Address
Irina Pruidze
Chief Technical Advisor, Strengthening PNGs Parliament Project
Port Moresby H5CR+QQ3
Papua New Guinea
Fax number
No information available
Web site
No information available

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06