
National Council

Political system
Parliamentary system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership

Openness and transparency

Information about access to parliamentary documents, parliament’s reporting to the public, parliament’s relation to Freedom of Information laws, and lobbying.

Parliamentary documents

The agendas of plenary meetings are published online in advance
The agendas of committee meetings are published online in advance
Results of votes on draft legislation are published on the parliamentary web site
Draft legislation is published on the parliamentary website
Citizens can submit comments on draft legislation on the parliamentary web site

Annual reporting by parliament

Parliament publishes an annual report on its activities
The annual report is available on the parliamentary web site
Parliament publishes the parliamentary budget
Level of detail of the parliamentary budget made available to the public
The complete budget
The parliamentary budget is available on the parliamentary web site

Access to parliament

Plenary meetings are open to the public

Notes: Section 18 para 1 of the Rules of Procedure: Public attendance at the sessions of the National Council shall be limited by the number of seats reserved for visitors that are available. The public cannot attend sessions that are not public pursuant to Section 18 para 2 and 3 of the Rules of Procedure. Debates involving state, official or commercial secrets or when it is specifically so provided by law. Meetings may also be closed when three-fifths of all Members resolve to do so. Some restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation (or similar) may apply.

Committee meetings are open to the public


Except for the committees whose meetings are not public (Special Control Committees, Mandate and Immunity Committee, specific meetings of the Incompatibility of Functions Committee, and committee meetings pursuant to Section 50 para 1 of the Rules of Procedure).

Section 50 of the Rules of Procedure: Unless otherwise provided by this Act (Section 57 para. 3, Section 58 para. 2, and Section 60 para. 3), committee meetings are public. Public participation is allowed until the capacity of the seats in the room where the committee is meeting is filled. The provisions of Section 18 par. 2 and 3 shall apply respectively.

There is a dedicated channel for broadcasting parliamentary meetings
Media used for the dedicated channel
Meetings broadcast on the dedicated channel
Plenary sittings
Committee meetings

Freedom of information

There is a freedom of information law in the country
Parliament is subject to the freedom of information law
Parliament has an office/division dedicated to FOI requests
Categories of Information that are exempt from disclosure

Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on Free Access to Information, as amended, see Section 11 & Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and classified information pursuant to Act No. 215/2004 Coll. on the Protection of classified information.

Exempt from disclosure are classified information, information subject to bank secret or tax secret, information classified as a trade secret, information relating to personality and privacy of a natural person (unless it is stipulated to be disclosed by the law or upon the prior written consent of the person concerned), information on personal data of a person (unless it is stipulated to be disclosed by the law or upon the prior written consent of the person concerned), information violating intellectual property rights (except for the situation when the person authorized under the special regulations gives consent to the disclosure of such information) and when disclosure of the information is at variance with EU legal acts.


There are rules about the activities of lobbyists in parliament
There is a register of accredited lobbyists

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06