National Assembly
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Election results
Data on parliamentary elections, including the background, candidates, voter turnout, results and the formation of the new legislature. By default the latest election results are displayed. Select a date to view results from previous elections.
Election date(s)
The date when elections started and ended for directly or indirectly elected parliaments/chambers. The date of appointments for appointed parliaments/chambers.
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31 Jul 2022
Date of dissolution of the outgoing legislature
Date at which the previous legislature (elected at the previous elections) was dissolved.
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No information available
Timing of election
Timing of election: Upon normal expiry; Early elections; Delayed elections
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Upon normal expiry
Expected date of next elections
The expected date at which the next elections should take place, based on law or practice.
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17 Nov 2024
Number of seats at stake
Number of seats contested at the elections. Where the parliament/chamber is fully renewed, this number is usually identical to the statutory number of members. Where the parliament/chamber is partially renewed or appointed, the number of seats at stake is usually less than the total number of members.
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Scope of elections
Scope of elections: Full renewal; Partial renewal.
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Full renewal
Number of parties contesting the election
This field may include either the number of parties contesting the election, or the number of coalitions/electoral alliance.
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Voter turnout
Registered voters
Number of people registered to vote
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Number of people who actually voted
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Voter turnout
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of people who actually voted by the number of people registered to vote
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About the election
Short description of the context and results of the election.
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President Macky Sall’s Benno Bokk Yaakaar coalition (meaning “United in Hope” and led by former prime minister Aminata Touré in 2022), lost its majority in the 165-member National Assembly (see note). It took 82 seats, down from 125 in 2017. Two opposition coalitions, which formed an electoral alliance in 2022, fared well: Yewwi Askan Wi (“Liberate the People”), a coalition led by Mr. Ousmane Sonko (a candidate in the 2019 presidential election), won 56 seats; and Wallu Sénégal (“Save Senegal”), led by former President Abdoulaye Wade, took 24 seats.
The 2022 elections were the first to be held after the COVID-19 pandemic, which hit the country’s economy and triggered rising fuel and food prices. On 30 May, the Ministry of Interior validated eight national lists of candidates for the 2022 elections but invalidated the list of substitute members for Benno Bokk Yaakaar as well as Yewwi Askan Wi’s national list of titular members, which included Mr. Sonko. On 2 June, the Constitutional Council confirmed the invalidation. Although the Government banned demonstrations, Yewwi Askan Wi members and supporters held mass protests on 17 June. Several opposition members were arrested. On 28 June, a court handed a suspended six-month prison sentence to an opposition MP, Mr. Déthié Fall, for defying the ban on protests.
A total of 112 seats are filled under the majority system (97 in Senegal and 15 abroad) while 53 other seats are filled under the proportional representation system. In accordance with a presidential decree dated 3 May 2022 (Décret n°2022-1051 du 03 mai 2022), the number of seats filled under the majority system has increased from 90 to 97 due to the creation of a new Department (Keur Massar in the Dakar region) and a population increase in certain Departments, which are therefore entitled to more seats.
Number of parties winning seats
The number of parties which won parliamentary representation in the given election.
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Percentage of parties winning seats
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of parties which won parliamentary representation by the number of parties contesting the election.
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Percentage of seats won by largest party or coalition
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of seats won by the largest party by the number of seats at stake in the election.
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Parties or coalitions winning seats
Political group | Total | Majority | Proportional |
Benno Bokk Yaakaar | 82 | 57 | 25 |
Yewwi Askan Wi | 56 | 39 | 17 |
Wallu Sénégal | 24 | 16 | 8 |
Bokk Gis Gis/Liguèy | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Alternative for a Breakaway Assembly (Alternative pour une Assemblée de rupture, AAR Sénégal) | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Les serviteurs/MPR | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Members elected, by sex
- Number of men elected
- Number of women elected
Percentage of women elected
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of women elected by the number of seats filled.
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- Women Directly Elected
- Sources
National Assembly (02.09.2022)
BBC Monitoring
New legislature
Total number of men after the election
The total number of male parliamentarians in this parliament/chamber following the election or renewal, regardless of their modes of designation.
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Total number of women after the election
The total number of female parliamentarians in this parliament/chamber following the election or renewal, regardless of their modes of designation.
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Percentage of women after the election
The percentage is calculated by dividing the total number of women in this parliament/chamber by the current number of members.
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First-term parliamentarians
The number of members who are assuming their parliamentary mandate for the first time following the election or renewal, regardless of their mode of designation.
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No information available
Percentage of first-term parliamentarians
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of first-term parliamentarians by the number of seats at stake in the election.
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No information available
Date of the first session
The date when the newly elected parliament/chamber was convened for the first time. It may be different from the date when members were sworn in.
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12 Sep 2022
First Speaker of the new legislature
- Personal details for the first Speaker of the new legislature
Amadou Mame Diop (Male)
Date of birth: 18 Jun 1965 -
Political party
The political party to which the Speaker belonged to at the moment of the election. In some parliaments, the Speaker suspends or relinquishes their party membership during their term in office and is considered as an independent member.
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Benno Bokk Yaakaar
Date of election
The date of the election of the Speaker may be different from the date of the first session of the new legislature.
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12 Sep 2022