
Upper House

Political system
Presidential system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership


Data on parliament’s law-making role and activities

Legislative activity

Number of laws adopted by parliament, per year
Total number of laws adopted by Parliament in the previous legislature
No information available
Number of laws adopted in the previous legislature that were initiated by parliament
No information available
Number of laws adopted in the previous legislature that were initiated by the government
No information available
Percentage of laws initiated by parliament in the previous legislature
No information available
Dates of the previous legislature
01 Jan 2012 to 27 Dec 2016
Outcome when the two chambers cannot agree on a piece of draft legislation

Notes: If the two chambers of the Federal Parliament disagree on a draft law, they can form a joint committee to resolve their differences and agree on a final version. If this does not work, either house can override the other’s decision by a two-thirds majority, or the draft law may be dropped entirely.

Sources: Constitution, art. 82

Executive-legislative relations

Legislation adopted by parliament requires the assent of the Head of State
No information available
Number of times the Head of State declined to give assent to legislation, per year
Not applicable
Consequences when the Head of State declines to give assent to legislation
Not applicable
Final decision when parliament and the Head of State do not agree


Legislation may only be challenged if it contradicts the Constitution and challenges may only be brought by:
- All members of the Upper House
- one representative of a Federal Member State
- A third of the members of the House of the People
- The Council of Ministers of the Federal Republic of Somalia;
- Ten thousand (10,000) or more registered voters.

The Constitutional Court takes the final decision on legislation that has been challenged.

Sources: Constitution, art. 86

Existence of a procedure to introduce emergency legislation

No information available

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06