
National Assembly

Political system
Transitional system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership

Election results

Data on parliamentary elections, including the background, candidates, voter turnout, results and the formation of the new legislature. By default the latest election results are displayed. Select a date to view results from previous elections.


Election date(s)
24 Sep 2021
Date of dissolution of the outgoing legislature
24 Sep 2021
Timing of election
Not applicable
Expected date of next elections
29 Dec 2024
Number of seats at stake
Scope of elections
Full renewal


About the election

On 11 April 2021, presidential elections were held. The incumbent President, Idriss Déby, who had served five consecutive terms since seizing power in the 1990 coup d'état, was seeking a sixth term. Most prominent opposition leaders withdrew from the race, alleging attacks and intimidations by the security forces. The rebel Front for Change and Concord in Chad (FACT), which is based on Chad's northern frontier in Libya, attacked a Chadian border post on the evening of the polling day.

On 19 April, the election commission announced the victory of the incumbent President. On 20 April, the army announced President Idriss Déby had died of his injuries following clashes with rebels in the north of the country.

Later the same day, the army announced the establishment of the Transitional Military Council (CMT), led by Mr. Déby's son, a 37-year-old general, Mahamat Idriss Déby. The CMT dissolved both the government and parliament, announcing that it would govern the country for a transitional period of 18 months (renewable only once) following which "free and democratic" elections would be held.

According to the constitutional amendments in 2020, the Speaker of the National Assembly would have assumed the interim presidency, pending the establishment of a Senate. On 21 April, the Bureau of the National Assembly, led by Speaker Haroun Kabadi, took note of the dissolution of the government and the National Assembly and announced its support of the CMT, in particular the CMT President.

On 20 April, the CMT promulgated the Transitional Charter, which provides for a 69 member Transitional National Council, a legislative body during the transitional period. On 22 April, the CMT published the revised Transitional Charter. The number of members of the Transitional National Council was increased to 93. Members are appointed by the CMT President. Until the establishment of the Transitional National Council (CNT), the powers of the CNT would be devolved to the National Assembly. The post of the Prime Minister was restored in the revised Charter.

The African Union's Peace and Security Council, in its Communique dated 22 April, expressed its "serious concern” over the establishment of the CMT and urged the Chadian defence and security forces to “quickly engage in a process of restoring constitutional order and transfer of political power to the civilian authorities”.

On 26 April, the CMT appointed former Prime Minister Albert Pahimi Padacke as interim Prime Minister. He was the runner-up candidate of the 2021 presidential elections.

On 28 April, the National Assembly re-convened and Speaker Haroun Kabadi presided the session.

On 13 June, the CMT announced the setting up of a committee – led by the Vice President of the CMT, General Djimadoum Tiraina – that would select CNT members. It subsequently announced that 12 groups would be represented in the CNT but did not announce the number of seats attributed to each group. All groups were requested to include 30 per cent of women candidates. The registration of candidates for the CNT started on 6 September the deadline being 10 September.

The 12 groups are:

• Political parties represented in the National Assembly of the current legislature

• Political parties not represented in the National Assembly

• Resource persons

• Defence and security forces

• Civil society organizations

• Traditional high authorities

• Youth organizations

• Women’s organizations

• Trade union groupings

• Persons with a disability

• Professional bodies

• The diaspora

On 24 September, CMT President Mahamat Idriss Déby officially appointed 93 members, including 30 women, to the CNT.

On 5 October, the CNT convened for the first time and elected former Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Haroun Kabadi, as its President. The CNT will replace the National Assembly during the transitional period, which is expected to end in October 2022.

On 14 July 2022, the CMT announced it would hold a national dialogue as the first step towards planning elections. The dialogue, which ended on 30 September, recommended the extension of the transitional period (initially due to end on 20 October 2022) by a maximum of 24 months.

On 8 October, Transitional President Mahamat Idriss Déby published a revised Transitional Charter. It provides for a 197-member CNT, which would comprise the 93 sitting members and 104 new members representing the following groups:

• The political and military signatories to the Doha Agreement: 45

• Political parties: 19

• Liaison officials: 6

• Defence and security forces: 4

• Civil Society: 3

• Traditional leaders: 3

• Youth organizations: 5

• Women’s organizations: 5

• Trade unions: 2

• Persons with disabilities: 2

• Professional associations: 2

• Craftspeople: 2

• The diaspora: 2

• The media: 2

• Artists: 2

On 7 November 2022, the Transitional President appointed 104 new members, including 22 women. As at 18 November 2022, 51 out of the 197 members were women. Mr. Haroun Kabadi continues to be the president of the now enlarged CNT.

Members elected, by sex
Number of men elected
Number of women elected
Percentage of women elected
Women Appointed
Other notes on the elections

Note on the date of dissolution of the outgoing legislature:
The third legislature of the National Assembly was officially dissolved on 24 September 2021 upon the signature by the President of the Transitional Military Council of the decree nominating the members of the Transitional National Council (CNT). However, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, the third legislature held its closing plenary session on 29 September.

Note on the number of women:
On 16 January 2024, a male parliamentarian was replaced by a woman at the Transitional National Council (CNT), bringing the total number of women to 52 out of 197 members.

The number of CNT members has increased from 197 to 203 in accordance with Decree No. 0027/PT/2024 (26 January 2024). Six new members including one woman were appointed, bringing the total number of women to 53 out of 203 members.


Transitional National Council (27.09.2021, 06.10.2021, 18.11.2022, 17.04.2024)

New legislature

Total number of men after the election
Total number of women after the election
Percentage of women after the election
First-term parliamentarians
No information available
Percentage of first-term parliamentarians
No information available
Date of the first session
05 Oct 2021

First Speaker of the new legislature

Personal details for the first Speaker of the new legislature
Haroun Kabadi (Male)
Date of birth: 29 Apr 1949
Political party
Patriotic Salvation Movement (MPS)
Date of election
05 Oct 2021

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06