United States of America
House of Representatives
Political system
Political systems: Presidential, Parliamentary, Presidential-Parliamentary, Monarchy, Communist, Transitional.
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Presidential system
Structure of parliament
Structure of parliament: Unicameral, bicameral
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IPU membership
Current membership status
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Election results
Data on parliamentary elections, including the background, candidates, voter turnout, results and the formation of the new legislature. By default the latest election results are displayed. Select a date to view results from previous elections.
Election date(s)
The date when elections started and ended for directly or indirectly elected parliaments/chambers. The date of appointments for appointed parliaments/chambers.
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03 Nov 2020
Date of dissolution of the outgoing legislature
Date at which the previous legislature (elected at the previous elections) was dissolved.
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No information available
Timing of election
Timing of election: Upon normal expiry; Early elections; Delayed elections
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Upon normal expiry
Number of seats at stake
Number of seats contested at the elections. Where the parliament/chamber is fully renewed, this number is usually identical to the statutory number of members. Where the parliament/chamber is partially renewed or appointed, the number of seats at stake is usually less than the total number of members.
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Scope of elections
Scope of elections: Full renewal; Partial renewal.
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Full renewal
Number of parties contesting the election
This field may include either the number of parties contesting the election, or the number of coalitions/electoral alliance.
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Only two parties, the Democrats and Republicans, fielded Congressional candidates in all 50 US states and the territories.
Overall, 298 female candidates were on the ballot for House seats in 2020: 204 Democrats and 94 Republicans.
About the election
Short description of the context and results of the election.
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The Democrats effectively regained control of the 100-member Senate (see note 1) and retained the majority in the 435-member House of Representatives (see note 2), taking 223 seats. The Republicans increased their share of seats from 199 to 212. A record 119 women were elected to the House of Representatives, up from 102 elected in the 2018 elections. The newly elected Congress was sworn in on 3 January 2021. Ms. Nancy Pelosi (Democrat) was re-elected as the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
In the presidential elections held in parallel with the parliamentary polls, former Vice President Joe Biden (Democrat) defeated the incumbent President Donald Trump (Republican), winning over 300 electoral votes. On 6 January 2021, thousands of President Trump’s supporters stormed the seat of Congress where parliamentarians were certifying Mr. Biden's election victory. Four people died. On 20 January, Mr. Biden was sworn in as the President, along with his running mate, senator Kamala D. Harris, who thereby became the first woman Vice President of the United States. By virtue of holding that office, she also serves as the Senate President.
The 2020 elections were held amid the COVID-19 pandemic: by November 2020, over 9 million people had been infected, and 230,000 people had died. President Trump himself was briefly hospitalized during the election campaign. Key electoral issues included the economy, healthcare and abortion, as well as multilateral agreements such as the Paris climate agreement and the country’s membership of the World Health Organization.
Note 1:
Democrats and Republicans held 50 seats each in the 100-member Senate after the 2020 elections. However, the Vice President of the United States (Democrat), who is also the President of the Senate, may cast tie-breaking votes. Democrats therefore regained control of the Senate, which it had lost in 2014.
Note 2:
In addition, there are six non-voting members: five delegates (one each from the District of Columbia, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) and one Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico.
Number of parties winning seats
The number of parties which won parliamentary representation in the given election.
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Percentage of parties winning seats
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of parties which won parliamentary representation by the number of parties contesting the election.
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Percentage of seats won by largest party or coalition
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of seats won by the largest party by the number of seats at stake in the election.
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Alternation of power after elections
The results of the elections caused a change in the government. "Not applicable" to countries using the presidential system when parliamentary and presidential elections are held separately, to countries in political transition or where there is no party system.
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Number of parties in government
The government may be formed by one or more political parties
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Names of parties in government
The government may be formed by one or more political parties
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Democratic Party
Parties or coalitions winning seats
Political group | Total |
Democratic Party | 223 |
Republican Party | 212 |
Members elected, by sex
- Number of men elected
- Number of women elected
Percentage of women elected
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of women elected by the number of seats filled.
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- Women Directly Elected
- Other notes on the elections
Note on the parties or coalitions winning seats:
The statistics above include one male candidate elect (Republican) who passed away on 29 December 2020, shortly before the newly elected House of Representatives was convened.
- Sources
Congressional Research Service (19.11.2020, 20.11.2020, 16.12.2020, 29.12.2020, 14.01.2021, 09.02.2021)
New legislature
Total number of men after the election
The total number of male parliamentarians in this parliament/chamber following the election or renewal, regardless of their modes of designation.
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Total number of women after the election
The total number of female parliamentarians in this parliament/chamber following the election or renewal, regardless of their modes of designation.
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Percentage of women after the election
The percentage is calculated by dividing the total number of women in this parliament/chamber by the current number of members.
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First-term parliamentarians
The number of members who are assuming their parliamentary mandate for the first time following the election or renewal, regardless of their mode of designation.
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Percentage of first-term parliamentarians
The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of first-term parliamentarians by the number of seats at stake in the election.
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Date of the first session
The date when the newly elected parliament/chamber was convened for the first time. It may be different from the date when members were sworn in.
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03 Jan 2021
First Speaker of the new legislature
- Personal details for the first Speaker of the new legislature
Nancy Pelosi (Female)
Date of birth: 1940 -
Political party
The political party to which the Speaker belonged to at the moment of the election. In some parliaments, the Speaker suspends or relinquishes their party membership during their term in office and is considered as an independent member.
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Democratic Party
Date of election
The date of the election of the Speaker may be different from the date of the first session of the new legislature.
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03 Jan 2021