South Africa

National Assembly

Political system
Parliamentary system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership

Parliamentary mandate

Start and end of mandate

Start of the parliamentary mandate for newly elected members
When the member is sworn in
Start of the parliamentary mandate for appointed members
Not applicable
End of the parliamentary mandate
On the last day of the chamber’s term (including in the case of early dissolution)


Mode of designation of the Speaker
The Speaker is elected from among the members of parliament/chamber
Authority that designates the Speaker when the Speaker is designated from outside parliament.
Not applicable
Rank of the Speaker in the hierarchy of the State


Both Speakers of each chamber are equivalent to the Deputy President.
When the President is absent from the Republic or otherwise unable to fulfill the duties of President, or during a vacancy in the office of President, an office-bearer acts as President in the following order:
(a) The Deputy President
(b) A Minister designated by the President.
(c) A Minister designated by the other members of the Cabinet.
(d) The Speaker, until the National Assembly designates one of its other members.

Sources: Constitution, art. 90

Speaker becomes interim Head of State in the event of the latter’s death or incapacity

Notes: Only if Deputy President or minister appointed by cabinet unable to act.

Sources: Constitution, art. 90

Speaker's mandate continues between legislatures

Speaker terms

The term of the Speaker is different from the term of the house
Speaker's term
No information available
Fixed election date for the Speaker, if any
No information available
There's no fixed term of the Speaker

Immunity and code of conduct

Parliament’s authorization is required for the detention or prosecution of members
There is a Code of conduct for members

Salaries and allowances

Members are paid salaries by parliament
Basic salary, per year
1,200,000 ZAR

Notes: Total remuneration payable to MPs can be structured to the member’s needs and includes the monthly Political Office Bearers Allowance.

Basic salary, per year in PPP
Basic allowances
Click for historical data
Basic allowance in PPP
Names of the basic allowances

Political Office Bearers Allowance (10,000 ZAR paid monthly)

Members pay income tax on salaries
Members pay income tax on allowances
No information available
Members can have remunerated employment outside parliament
Members are required to declare income from other employment to parliament
Additional salaries and allowances provided for leadership positions

Facilities, services and allowances for constituency work

Personal staff to work directly for the parliamentarian
Office at parliament
Constituency office
Other cash or in-kind allowances for constituency work

Notes: Members are entitled to receive travel allowances for constituency work.

Additional salaries and allowances for leadership positions
List of salaries and allowances for leadership positions
Salary Allowances
Speaker Yes
Committee Chair Yes


Speaker - R 2,800,000

Deputy Speaker - R 1,970,000

House Chairpersons - R 1,880,000

Parliamentary Counsellors & Leader of Opposition - R 1,600,000

Committee Chairpersons - R 1,490,000

Party leaders - R 1,340,000

Whips - R 1,240,000

Salary of the Speaker
2,800,000 ZAR
Salary of the Speaker in PPP
Parliament determines the amount of salaries
Name of the institution outside parliament which determines the amount

The independent Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers makes recommendations.

Parliament determines the amount of allowances
The parliamentary salary is determined in reference to another salary scale
Reference scale used for parliamentary salaries
Click for historical data

Notes: The independent Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers considers, amongst others, the following factors to be relevant in forming the basis for its decision: The Consumer Price Index (CPI) trends, Affordability, National market trends including the private and public sector, Consultation with relevant stakeholders.

Information on salaries and allowances on the parliamentary website

Salaries are published annually in the Government Gazette and on the website of the Independent Commission for Remuneration of Public Office Bearers

Year data was last reported


Participation in the government

Members of the government must also be members of parliament
Can be a member of parliament

Notes: The functions of President, Vice President, Ministers and Vice Ministers are considered compatible with membership in the National Assembly.

Sources: Constitution, art.47 (ai)

Number of members of the parliament/chamber who are also members of the government
Click for historical data
Members for whom data is available
Percentage of members of parliament/chamber who are also members of the government
No information available

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06