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Afghanistan - House of the People
Afghanistan - House of Elders
Albania - Parliament
Algeria - National People's Assembly
Algeria - Council of the Nation
Andorra - General Council
Angola - National Assembly
Antigua and Barbuda - House of Representatives
Antigua and Barbuda - Senate
Argentina - Chamber of Deputies
Argentina - Senate
Armenia - National Assembly
Australia - House of Representatives
Australia - Senate
Austria - National Council
Austria - Federal Council
Azerbaijan - National Assembly
Bahamas - House of Assembly
Bahamas - Senate
Bahrain - Council of Representatives
Bahrain - Shura Council
Bangladesh - Parliament
Barbados - House of Assembly
Barbados - Senate
Belarus - House of Representatives
Belarus - Council of the Republic
Belgium - House of Representatives
Belgium - Senate
Belize - House of Representatives
Belize - Senate
Benin - National Assembly
Bhutan - National Assembly
Bhutan - National Council
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Chamber of Deputies
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Chamber of Senators
Bosnia and Herzegovina - House of Representatives
Bosnia and Herzegovina - House of Peoples
Botswana - National Assembly
Brazil - Chamber of Deputies
Brazil - Federal Senate
Brunei Darussalam - Legislative Council
Bulgaria - National Assembly
Burkina Faso - Transitional Legislative Assembly
Burundi - National Assembly
Burundi - Senate
Cabo Verde - National Assembly
Cambodia - National Assembly
Cambodia - Senate
Cameroon - National Assembly
Cameroon - Senate
Canada - House of Commons
Canada - Senate
Central African Republic - National Assembly
Chad - National Assembly
Chile - Chamber of Deputies
Chile - Senate
China - National People's Congress
Colombia - House of Representatives
Colombia - Senate
Comoros - Assembly of the Union
Congo - National Assembly
Congo - Senate
Costa Rica - Legislative Assembly
Côte d'Ivoire - National Assembly
Côte d'Ivoire - Senate
Croatia - Croatian Parliament
Cuba - National Assembly of the People's Power
Cyprus - House of Representatives
Czechia - Chamber of Deputies
Czechia - Senate
Democratic People's Republic of Korea - Supreme People's Assembly
Democratic Republic of the Congo - National Assembly
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Senate
Denmark - The Danish Parliament
Djibouti - National Assembly
Dominica - House of Assembly
Dominican Republic - Chamber of Deputies
Dominican Republic - Senate
Ecuador - National Assembly
Egypt - House of Representatives
Egypt - Senate
El Salvador - Legislative Assembly
Equatorial Guinea - Chamber of Deputies
Equatorial Guinea - Senate
Eritrea - National Assembly
Estonia - The Estonian Parliament
Eswatini - House of Assembly
Eswatini - Senate
Ethiopia - House of Peoples' Representatives
Ethiopia - House of the Federation
Fiji - Parliament
Finland - Parliament
France - National Assembly
France - Senate
Gabon - Transitional National Assembly
Gabon - Transitional Senate
Gambia (The) - National Assembly
Georgia - Parliament
Germany - German Bundestag
Germany - Federal Council
Ghana - Parliament
Greece - Hellenic Parliament
Grenada - House of Representatives
Grenada - Senate
Guatemala - Congress of the Republic
Guinea - Transitional National Council
Guinea-Bissau - People's National Assembly
Guyana - National Assembly
Haiti - Chamber of Deputies
Haiti - Senate
Honduras - National Congress
Hungary - National Assembly
Iceland - Parliament
India - House of the People
India - Council of States
Indonesia - House of Representatives
Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Islamic Parliament of Iran
Iraq - Council of Representatives of Iraq
Ireland - House of Representatives
Ireland - Senate
Israel - Parliament
Italy - Chamber of Deputies
Italy - Senate
Jamaica - House of Representatives
Jamaica - Senate
Japan - House of Representatives
Japan - House of Councillors
Jordan - House of Representatives
Jordan - Senate
Kazakhstan - House of Representatives
Kazakhstan - Senate
Kenya - National Assembly
Kenya - Senate
Kiribati - House of Assembly
Kuwait - National Assembly
Kyrgyzstan - Supreme Council
Lao People's Democratic Republic - National Assembly
Latvia - Parliament
Lebanon - National Assembly
Lesotho - National Assembly
Lesotho - Senate
Liberia - House of Representatives
Liberia - The Liberian Senate
Libya - House of Representatives
Liechtenstein - Diet
Lithuania - Parliament
Luxembourg - Chamber of Deputies
Madagascar - National Assembly
Madagascar - Senate
Malawi - National Assembly
Malaysia - House of Representatives
Malaysia - Senate
Maldives - People's Majlis
Mali - Transitional National Council
Malta - House of Representatives
Marshall Islands - Parliament
Mauritania - National Assembly
Mauritania - Senate
Mauritius - National Assembly
Mexico - Chamber of Deputies
Mexico - Senate
Micronesia (Federated States of) - Congress
Monaco - National Council
Mongolia - State Great Hural
Montenegro - Parliament
Morocco - House of Representatives
Morocco - House of Councillors
Mozambique - Assembly of the Republic
Myanmar - House of Representatives
Myanmar - House of Nationalities
Namibia - National Assembly
Namibia - National Council
Nauru - Parliament
Nepal - House of Representatives
Nepal - National Assembly
Netherlands - House of Representatives
Netherlands - Senate
New Zealand - House of Representatives
Nicaragua - National Assembly
Niger - National Assembly
Nigeria - House of Representatives
Nigeria - Senate
North Macedonia - Assembly of the Republic
Norway - Parliament
Oman - Shura Council
Oman - State Council
Pakistan - National Assembly
Pakistan - Senate
Palau - House of Delegates
Palau - Senate
Panama - National Assembly
Papua New Guinea - National Parliament
Paraguay - Chamber of Deputies
Paraguay - Senate
Peru - Congress of the Republic
Philippines - House of Representatives
Philippines - Senate
Poland - Sejm
Poland - Senate
Portugal - Assembly of the Republic
Qatar - Shura Council
Republic of Korea - National Assembly
Republic of Moldova - Parliament
Romania - Chamber of Deputies
Romania - Senate
Russian Federation - State Duma
Russian Federation - Council of the Federation
Rwanda - Chamber of Deputies
Rwanda - Senate
Saint Kitts and Nevis - National Assembly
Saint Lucia - House of Assembly
Saint Lucia - Senate
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - House of Assembly
Samoa - Legislative Assembly
San Marino - Great and General Council
Sao Tome and Principe - National Assembly
Saudi Arabia - Shura Council
Senegal - National Assembly
Serbia - National Assembly
Seychelles - National Assembly
Sierra Leone - Parliament
Singapore - Parliament
Slovakia - National Council
Slovenia - National Assembly
Slovenia - National Council
Solomon Islands - National Parliament
Somalia - House of the People
Somalia - Upper House
South Africa - National Assembly
South Africa - National Council of Provinces
South Sudan - Transitional National Legislative Assembly
South Sudan - Council of States
Spain - Congress of Deputies
Spain - Senate
Sri Lanka - Parliament
Sudan - National Assembly
Sudan - Council of States
Suriname - National Assembly
Sweden - Parliament
Switzerland - National Council
Switzerland - Council of States
Syrian Arab Republic - People's Assembly
Tajikistan - House of Representatives
Tajikistan - National Assembly
Thailand - House of Representatives
Thailand - Senate
Timor-Leste - National Parliament
Togo - National Assembly
Tonga - Legislative Assembly
Trinidad and Tobago - House of Representatives
Trinidad and Tobago - Senate
Tunisia - Assembly of People's Representatives
Tunisia - National Council of Regions and Districts
Türkiye - Grand National Assembly of Türkiye
Turkmenistan - Assembly
Turkmenistan - People’s Council
Tuvalu - Parliament of Tuvalu
Uganda - Parliament
Ukraine - Parliament
United Arab Emirates - Federal National Council
United Kingdom - House of Commons
United Kingdom - House of Lords
United Republic of Tanzania - National Assembly
United States of America - House of Representatives
United States of America - Senate
Uruguay - House of Representatives
Uruguay - Senate
Uzbekistan - Legislative Chamber
Uzbekistan - Senate
Vanuatu - Parliament
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) - National Assembly
Viet Nam - National Assembly
Yemen - House of Representatives
Yemen - Shura Council
Zambia - National Assembly
Zimbabwe - National Assembly
Zimbabwe - Senate
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