
Chambre des représentants

Système politique
Système parlementaire
Structure du parlement
Membre de l’UIP

Ouverture et transparence

Informations sur l'accès aux documents parlementaires, les rapports du parlement au public, la position du parlement vis-à-vis des lois sur la liberté d'information, et le lobbying

Documents parlementaires

Les ordres du jour des réunions plénières sont publiés en ligne à l’avance
En partie
Les ordres du jour des réunions des commissions sont publiés en ligne à l’avance
En partie
Les résultats des votes sur les projets de lois sont publiés sur le site web du parlement
Le projet de loi est publié sur le site web du parlement
Les citoyens peuvent commenter les projets de loi sur le site web du parlement

Rapport annuel du parlement

Le parlement publie un rapport annuel sur ses activités
Le rapport annuel est disponible sur le site web du parlement
Le parlement publie le budget parlementaire
Le degré de précision qui est rendu public pour le budget parlementaire
Le budget complet
Le budget parlementaire est disponible sur le site web du parlement

Accès au parlement

Les réunions plénières sont ouvertes au public

Notes: A visitor’s ticket is required to gain access to plenary meetings. Visitors carrying firearms or hazardous objects, or under the influence of alcohol are not admitted. The Speaker may also find it necessary to prohibit a visitor’s access for regulatory reasons.

Les réunions des commissions sont ouvertes au public

Notes: Only MPs can access committee meetings as visitors and access to the public is limited to members of the media and those granted permission by the Chairperson.

Il existe un canal dédié pour diffuser les réunions parlementaires
Média utilisé pour le canal dédié
Diffusion sur le web
Diffusion des réunions sur le canal dédié
Séances plénières
Réunions des commissions

Liberté d'information

Il existe une loi sur la liberté de l’information dans le pays
Le parlement est soumis à la loi sur la liberté de l’information
Le parlement dispose d’un bureau/d’une division spécialisé(e) dans les demandes au titre de la liberté de l’information
Catégories d’informations non soumises à divulgation

Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs Act (No. 42 of 1999);


With respect to the parliament, the Secretary General of each chamber establishes the rules that will be applied for access to parliamentary information;

House of Representatives:


Among the documents, pictures, and electromagnetic records held by the Secretariat of the House of Representatives (HR) for organizational use by its staff members, which have been prepared or obtained by its staff members in the course of their duties, the following are excluded from the items subject to disclosure of information: (1) items published for the purpose of selling to many and unspecified persons; (2) items managed according to the standards for handling materials of the Parliamentary Museum, HR; and (3) items related to legislation and research. There are also cases where items are not disclosed, and such cases include: (1) when specifically provided for by law; (2) when the information is related to activities of in-house groups or House Members, and there is a risk of causing hindrance to their activities if disclosed; and (3) when the information corresponds to “Non-Disclosure Information” provided for by Article 5, Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs, including information involving a risk of constituting a hindrance to the proper execution of duties if disclosed due to the nature of the duties associated with legislation and research at the House of Representative

House of Councillors:


Among the documents, pictures, and electromagnetic records held by the Secretariat of the House of Councillors for organizational use by its staff members, which have been prepared or obtained by its staff members in the course of their duties, the following are excluded from the items subject to disclosure of information: (1) items published for the purpose of selling to many and unspecified persons; (2) items made before the enforcement of Constitution of Japan of 1947, which are specially preserved; and (3) items related to legislation and research, which are designated by Secretary General of the House of Councillors. Adding to these, items are also excluded from disclosure when they include any of the following information: (1) information related to activities of in-house groups or House Members, in which there is a risk of causing hindrance to their activities if disclosed; (2) information involving a risk of constituting a hindrance to the proper execution of duties if disclosed due to the nature of the duties associated with legislation and research at the House of Councillors; and (3) information corresponding to “Non-Disclosure Information” provided for by Article 5, Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs.

Représentation d'intérêts

Les activités des lobbyistes au parlement répondent à certaines règles
Il existe un registre des lobbyistes accrédités

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06