
House of Representatives

Political system
Parliamentary system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership


Data on parliament’s law-making role and activities

Legislative activity

Number of laws adopted by parliament, per year
Total number of laws adopted by Parliament in the previous legislature
(2020-02 - 2020-12)
Number of laws adopted in the previous legislature that were initiated by parliament
Number of laws adopted in the previous legislature that were initiated by the government
Percentage of laws initiated by parliament in the previous legislature
Click for historical data
Dates of the previous legislature
10 Mar 2016 to 14 Jan 2020
Outcome when the two chambers cannot agree on a piece of draft legislation
The decision of the lower chamber will take effect after a certain deadline

Sources: Constitution, art. 23

Executive-legislative relations

Legislation adopted by parliament requires the assent of the Head of State


Constitution art.13(3) and 26

The President cannot decline to give assent to legislation but can refer a bill or sections of a bill to the Supreme Court.

The President, after consulting the Council of State, may refer a bill, or provisions of a bill, to the Supreme Court for judgment as to its constitutionality. If it is found to be constitutional, it must be signed and if it is not constitutional it cannot be signed.

Number of times the Head of State declined to give assent to legislation, per year
Consequences when the Head of State declines to give assent to legislation
The legislation is referred to the Constitutional/Supreme Court
Final decision when parliament and the Head of State do not agree
Constitutional/Supreme Court

Existence of a procedure to introduce emergency legislation

Click for historical data

Notes: Art. 24 of the Constitution provides a mechanism to reduce the time available to the Seanad to consider a Bill, this would speed the passage of a Bill.

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06