Political system
Structure of parliament
IPU membership


Oversight tools

Parliament/Chamber has the power to summon members of the government
No information available
Parliament/chamber has the power to summon senior government officials
No information available
Parliament has the power to approve key government appointments
No information available
Parliament/chamber has the power to approve key government appointments
Number of written questions asked, per year
No information available
Number of written questions answered by the government, per year
No information available
Percentage of written questions answered by the government, per year
No information available
Parliament/chamber has power to carry out inquiries
No information available
Number of parliamentary inquiries, per year
No information available

Head of State and/or Government

Parliament’s role in the designation of the Head of Government
Parliament approves a nomination for the Head of Government

Notes: The President of the Republic assigns a Prime Minister to form the government whose program must win the confidence of the majority of the House of Representatives within thirty days. If he or she fails, the process is repeated, but the President shall appoint a Prime Minister nominated by the party or the coalition that holds the majority or the highest number of seats in the House of Representatives. If neither win the confidence of the majority of the members of the House of Representatives, the House shall be dissolved and new elections held within sixty days of dissolution.

Sources: Constitution, art. 146

The Head of Government is also the Head of State
Parliament’s role in the designation of the Head of State
Parliament does not play a role


To be accepted as a candidate for the presidency, candidates must receive the recommendation of at least twenty elected members of the House of Representatives, or support from at least twenty five thousand citizens enjoying the right to vote, in at least fifteen governorates, with a minimum of one thousand supporters from each governorate.

As a condition for assuming his or her duties, the President of the Republic shall take an oath before the House of Representatives.

Sources: Constitution, art. 142 and 144

Impeachment and confidence motions

Parliament is automatically dissolved when a motion of no confidence is adopted
Chambers that can be dissolved when a motion of no confidence is adopted
Lower chamber

Sources: Constitution, art. 146 and 161

Impeachment procedure

There is a procedure for parliament to dismiss or impeach the following persons/institution
The whole Government
The Head of State
The Head of Government
Individual members of the Executive
Chambers that play a role in the dismissal or impeachment
Lower chamber


An indictment of the President of the Republic can only be issued by the majority of two-thirds of the members of the House of Representatives and after carrying an investigation by the Prosecutor General. The same conditions apply for the Prime Minister and members of the government.

The Speaker of parliament may face removal initiated by one-third of the House members and confirmed by a majority.

The President of the Republic may relieve the government from carrying out its duties, subject to the approval of the majority of the members of the House of Representatives.


Constitution, art. 117, 147, 159 and 173
Rules and Procedures of Parliament

No confidence processes

There is a procedure for parliament to express no confidence in the following persons/institution
The whole Government
The Head of Government
Individual members of the Executive
Chambers that play a role in motions of no confidence
Lower chamber

Notes: The Parliament may withdraw confidence in the President of the Republic and in a member of the parliament


Constitution art. 110, 131, 146 and 161
Rules of Procedure art. 116 and 226

Historical data for IPU membership

Historical data for IPU membership
Year IPU membership
List of values for 2020-09
List of values for 2019-04
List of values for 2018-06